ALacriti Analytics empowers small businesses to compete on government and private sector projects by expediting procurement onboarding and decision-making process.
ALacriti Analytics certifies small business capability and capacity to increase our users’ ability to compete for millions in contract opportunities. It also provides access to the largest mega projects, corporate buyers, procurement decision makers, contracts and project opportunities.
We advised our client to redesign his website due to the following reasons:
We met with the client and explained the reasons why a website redesign was needed.
After analyzing top companies in the same industry we impletemented some sketches and met with our client. After receiving feedback we went ahead a prepare a mockup of the final website.
After our client looked at the mockup, he agreed with our suggestions. We then implemented the website in WordPress with raw HTML, CSS, and PHP. Our graphic design team prepared images. Our copywriting team checked the text for grammatical errors.
Finally, we uploaded all changes to a test directory on our client's server. After receiving some final suggestions from our client, we went ahead and made a backup from the lived site, and replaced the old version with the new one. WordPress plugins were also fixed and installed for theme compatibility.